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inspiring stories

everyone has a story.

The Benefit of Buying at Eastside

Scrip is a program that enables you to purchase gift cards to hundreds of the stores, restaurants and gas stations that you frequent, with a percentage of each purchase going back into Eastside’s Compassion Department to help families in need.

Danny’s Story Going Beyond Borders

“Just because you’re painting a door in Mexico, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done perfectly. City of Refuge is another piece of God’s Kingdom, God’s house. Just imagine that when

Let’s Talk About Poverty

Let’s talk about poverty. Poverty. Poor. Living under the Poverty Line. These terms and phrases we hear on a daily basis to describe a person in need–but what do they

Change Maker: Mark Buttrey

“I see souls and I love people, that’s all I do well,” claims Mark. This passionate Eastsider began serving in his home of Orange County upon returning from living abroad in Romania at age 24.

Hidden Joy

When Cindy and Danny came across Eastside for the first time, they were amazed at how friendly everyone was. The big smiles and the heartfelt greetings made a big church feel amazingly small in just the blink of an eye. They couldn’t believe the energy and passion that was all around.

casa foster care advocatea

Being a Voice for a Child Without One A look into Foster Care And CASA

May is National Foster Care Month, a time set aside originally in 1988 by President Ronald Reagan to offer appreciation to foster parents.  Since being initiated, the National Foster Care Coalition has worked to expand the goals of this month to focus on awareness of the issues at hand and to encourage willing citizens to get involved with the foster system. 

Just Let Go

My name is Sharon Jensen. I was about to lose the lease to the preschool I had been running for 28 years. It was the only source of income for

Life Together

By Devon Wayne Our small group started with eight people who didn’t know each other, but over time our stories have woven together into a beautiful tapestry. A job opportunity

An Embrace that Crossed Cultures: A Sponsorship Story

We’re both named Sam, I guess that’s what initially drew me to her sweet face in the sea of Sponsorship Cards I was looking over.  I had had this small and steady feeling on my heart for awhile to step up and join the many compassionate Eastsiders in taking a sponsorship child under my financial and prayerful wing.

eastside christian church outreach

A Community in Support of Our Officers

On a Tuesday morning this past February, two policemen responded to a typical traffic accident call in Whittier, California; but when they appeared on the scene they were faced with much more than that.  A man known to have gang affiliation had stolen the vehicle responsible for the crash that morning and opened fire on the officers as they approached him at the site of the collision.  What was supposed to be standard procedure, turned into a day filled with emotion as the gunman took the life of one of the officers and injured the other.

Unpacking the Suitcase

Mike explained that it was rare for addicts to be honest when in critical need, but honest they were as they spoke that day.  Leaving no stone unturned, they expounded on their situation, saying they were not married, not members of the church and currently on the verge of eviction from their motel. 

Celebrating a Year of Handwritten Love

Jody Masquefa and her husband, Yves, own a restaurant in Anaheim that’s now daily serving up hope in the form of pasta to families in dire need of support.  February 2, 2017 marks a year of anonymous dinners being delivered to these families at CHOC hospital who are facing the devastation and hardship that illness has imposed on their children; this is the story of how they got here.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

January is the month devoted to creating awareness of the ever-present societal issue of Human Trafficking. US Homeland Security defines the term as a “modern-day slavery that involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.” 

Holiday Season

Making changes helped, but prayer is what got me through that dark period of my life.  I remember feeling at times I couldn’t survive the hurt.  I would get down on my knees and pray and cry out to God to get me through just one more day.  He did.

The Domino Effect Of Love

The result was overwhelming as the same people who surround her on a daily basis at work jumped at the opportunity to serve! They worked together to supply every request on the list so that someone else’s needs would be filled last Christmas.

Low Income Kids – Abraham’s Story

 “Thank you for the pencils and paper and backpack. I really like the shirt too! I don’t like it when I don’t have my stuff for school, I feel so dumb. Your pack makes me feel better. Thank you!”

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