church volunteer opportunities


we call our volunteers - change makers!

Eastside Change Makers are the heroes around here making a difference every week. If you’d like to use your time and experience to have a positive impact on others as a Change Maker, take some time to check out all the opportunities to serve. To find out more about volunteering, choose your campus below.







Las Vegas

Park Rapids


We are so thankful for Eastside Change Makers!!
Imagine A day without volunteers

why i volunteer .........

change makers volunteer in kidside for 18+ years

These four Change Makers having been volunteering with kidside for 18+ years alongside Erin Gaxiola our Children's Director. Aimee & Matt Molsberry volunteer in Tech and at our Kidside Guest Kiosk.  Scott Pease volunteers at the 2nd/3rd Grade door to welcome and high five kids as they arrive.  Tom Morrison is a 5th Grade boys small group leader.  These Change Makers have been around so long they get to see kids who were once in their class who are now married with children of their own! This consistency, sacrifice of time, and leadership is such a gift to our kids who look forward to coming to Kidside every weekend knowing these familiar faces will be there to greet them!

volunteering 18+ years

"You’ve probably seen me greeting in my wheelchair. I became a Christian when I was in junior high but I often didn't take it seriously. What I mean is that God was always there taking me in and I didn’t realize it.  I want to serve him and show the same kindness as he has done for me.  I want to help people understand who God is. When I see an opportunity to help people, I usually take it."


We wanted to give more to our community and find a community for ourselves. We were also starving for a community of believers that we could get to know and love on so my husband and I began volunteering in Kidside. I have been teaching elementary school for almost a decade but the kidside leadership pipeline gave me new insight into the power of mentoring kids. Our Redlands campus makes my heart so happy because we have the privilege of knowing each of our kiddos and getting to walk hand in hand with them as they make their faith in Jesus their own."


"This church is so open and giving and I wanted to be part of that.  A place that says you are important! When I first came I immediately felt like I belonged and did not have to work to fit in.  I also felt safe bringing my own family to Eastside, to start a life long journey to protect my faith and grow my relationship with God. I am a Change Maker in the Cafe, and I look forward to hanging out with these volunteers each week. We don't just serve drinks and food we also welcome and care for Eastsiders.  I'm so grateful to be apart of amazing team."


"I was invited by my room-mate 11 years ago and the first service I went to, I felt like Gene was speaking to me and my situation. Then one day, I was doing a devotional, and the scripture was Proverbs 22:6. I felt like that was God telling me to start serving with Kidside. Serving just brings me so much joy and I get to use the gift that God gave me by teaching kids about God. When I first started serving, I was with a group of 2nd grade girls. I moved up each year with them until they were in 8th grade. They are now in college! It's been amazing to build these life long relationships.."


share your story

We'd love to hear your story! please take a minute and share where and why you volunteer.