eastside christian church in IRVINE

This is for everyone

kids & students

While you're in church we offer fantastic programs for your child too. From birth through young adults God is forging something great in the next generation here at Eastside. For times and locations please click on the "more info" button below.


First Step is an incredible way to start your journey at Eastside. It’s a fun, small group environment to help you discover the best way to make a meaningful connection at Eastside. Why? Because we are all wired to make a difference! You'll also enjoy a meal and meet your Campus Pastor while your children continue to enjoy our Kidside program.


Change Makers are the heroes making a difference every week. At Eastside, we like to say this is for everyone - and that includes finding a place to volunteer. If you'd like to use your time and experience to have a positive impact on others, take some time to check out all the opportunities to serve.


Brendan Murphy

“Brendan grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii, where he saw his parents lead thousands to Christ through Youth With A Mission (YWAM). He’s traveled to over 20 countries, serving extensively in Haiti and Samoa. From a young age, Brendan felt called to full-time ministry, though unsure when it would happen.

After studying marketing in Washington, he worked in Silicon Valley, where he met his wife, Liz. They moved to Orange County during COVID, started their family, and Brendan answered his call to ministry by becoming the Campus Pastor at Eastside Irvine.

Brendan and Liz are excited to see how God will use this church to mobilize Jesus-loving people to serve and show compassion in South Orange County.”