eastside christian church in REdlands
This is for everyone
kids & students
While you're in church we offer fantastic programs for your child too. From birth through young adults God is forging something great in the next generation here at Eastside. For times and locations please click on the "more info" button below.
First Step is an incredible way to start your journey at Eastside. It’s a fun, small group environment to help you discover the best way to make a meaningful connection at Eastside. Why? Because we are all wired to make a difference! You'll also enjoy a meal and meet your Campus Pastor while your children continue to enjoy our Kidside program.
Matt was born and raised in Redlands and moved to Orange County, where he got involved with Eastside's Young Adults Ministry, and also where he met his now wife Rachel. Volunteering in various roles at Eastside, he eventually joined the staff as part of the Campus Operations Team. In 2018, Matt was asked to serve as the Eastside Redlands Campus Pastor.
When not serving at the church, he loves to spend time with his friends and family; hiking, snowboarding and tracking down the best Mexican food in the area. Matt and Rachel are passionate about the radical life change that God has to offer, and they love that they can take that into the heart of the city of Redlands!