Outreach In Thailand A Ripple Effect

Outreach in Thailand a ripple effect

For nearly a decade, Eastside has been sending teams on global outreach trips to Thailand.  Over the years we’ve had the opportunity to assist missionary partners at an orphanage and have witnessed some pretty amazing ripple effects. 

Nabwe is a young village girl who lives near the orphanage. She was the neglected daughter of two opium addicts. Her hair was bleached from malnutrition and her teeth were rotted out. During a trip to Thailand, one Eastside  team sensed the LORD calling them to intervene. Eastside made arrangements with the orphanage director to bring Nabwe into the program. The Kae Noi Orphanage in northern Thailand provides school supplies, uniforms, clothing, 2-3 nutritious meals a day, and medical care.

A few months later both parents consented to go to rehab, and her parents were able to get sober. Family reunification is the ultimate goal, and now Nabwe is in a safe environment. They are ready to establish a healthy household and need a way to provide financially for themselves and Nabwe.

Now these farmers, including Nabwe’s family, are able to earn a sustainable livelihood. Each of these trees produce about 50-60 mangoes a year. These mango trees provide sustainable incomes, dignity, family unity, and opens up the door for other opportunities.

outreach in Thailand ripple effect
4.4 Mango tree planting

A simple mango illustrates this ripple effect. Without means to support their families, many parents are forced to send their children down into the cities to find work. These kids are at risk of inhumane working conditions and human traffickers. This is where Eastside had the opportunity to step in once again and make a difference!

Eastside donated 81,000 trees that are now producing mangos. Why mangos? Mango trees take root easily, even in poor soil conditions. They do not require much care or attention, and produce high-value crops year round. Now these farmers, including Nabwe’s family, are able to earn a sustainable livelihood. Each of these trees produce about 50-60 mangoes a year. These mango trees provide sustainable incomes, dignity, family unity, and opens up the door for other opportunities.

If you were inspired by this story, we would love to tell you more about Eastside. We have a relentless love and commitment for all to know God. We are committed to finding unique ways to serve in our local communities and help our global neighbors. If you would like to find out more about ways to make a difference in your community and around the globe, visit eastside.com/compassion.

We volunteer in local and global communities, and we also meet together every weekend if you would like to join us in person or online. We believe that this is a place for everyone, wherever you are on your journey. If you would like to find out more about Eastside, please visit eastside.com.

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