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inspiring stories

everyone has a story.

Show Me, God

 “All these years of trying to understand religion! Reading, studying, questioning…… I didn’t need a religion, I needed a relationship.” 

A Heart For Service

Savannah is continually inspired to serve through seeing the impact serving has made in her own life and in the lives of others. “When you see people’s faces light up, when you see people receive your services, it’s just a reminder that God has done so much more than that, and God does that every single day…”

A Recipe for Faith

He has found that serving and getting involved in local compassion efforts at Eastside have helped turn a big church into a small church. Because of the community he’s built through serving, it’s rare for him to walk down a hallway without knowing someone.

Passage to Kenya

“I’ll pray about it for next year.” Famous last words. Last year quickly became this year and Paige Haddick was caught completely off-guard by a friend and leader of the College ministry in the hallway at Eastside.

Change is possible

As we finished praying her husband came forward and accepted Jesus, called his daughter in the room for prayer, and they demanded we cut this rope off the woman’s neck and take it out to destroy it. They wanted it burned to declare wherever there is light there cannot be darkness, and wherever there is freedom, there cannot be bondage.


Lost and Found

Confident and wise beyond her years, 20-year-old Desiree has a singular focus. Her heart is fixed on the 27 million people, many just little girls, in bondage by the evils of the international human sex trade.

divorce care

Breaking The Silence

I felt I was never good enough for anything. I felt I wasn’t going anywhere with my life, and I did feel pathetic. That was the reality that I was living in.

couple getting hitched sitting on the dock

Living Free

After just five months in Washington, everything fell apart. God revealed the truth about my husband’s deception, and I realized what a foolish mistake I had made. 

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