Journey to motherhood and recovery
I first was invited to Eastside when I was in junior high by a classmate. I loved the people here. When I was in college I drifted around from church to church, but I came back about three years ago and have called Eastside home ever since. Even though I left for a time, I knew I could always come back and be welcomed.
A few years ago I was battling alcoholism. I was sober for seven months when I found out I was 6.5 months pregnant. I thought about getting an abortion because this pregnancy was not planned or expected, but I ultimately decided not to. God saved my life and also saved the life of my unborn child. It’s so important for me that I bring my son to Eastside. I want him to know that no matter what life throws at him, God will always be there. He works in mysterious ways.
I never thought I would be a mother. Being a mom has been the greatest adventure of my life, and I am so happy God chose me to be my son’s mom. My son is almost three and looks forward to going to Kidside every week!
Eastside Christian Church would like to be a safe place for you. Please take some time to check out our resources, small groups, and support groups. If you or someone you know is in a difficult season, we invite you to check out the Care & Recovery groups at Eastside. Don’t navigate these seasons alone, Eastside has a caring community of people who would love to walk beside you on your journey to hope and healing. There are so many groups to choose from. Check out:
It’s easy to feel stuck in patterns of the past. Let's get real about the addictive behaviors — what the Bible calls “strongholds” — that often get passed along from one generation to the next. It can stop with you —you can be the cycle breaker! Watch this video to learn more about how to find freedom!
A recent series you might find helpful is Cycle Breaker. It’s easy to feel stuck in patterns of the past. Most of the time we inherit these cycles from society, parents, or even the church. Let’s get past the layers of dysfunction and have an honest talk about emotions, racism, addiction, and religion. It can stop with you —you can be the cycle breaker! We have a list of available resources from that series at
If you were inspired by this story, we would love to tell you more about Eastside. We have a relentless love and commitment for all to know God. We are committed to finding unique ways to serve in our local communities and help our global neighbors. We are passionate about finding solutions, building bridges, and bringing the love and hope of Jesus to hurting communities. We would love to invite you to join us in person or online. At Eastside we believe that this is a place for everyone, wherever you are on your journey. If you would like to find out more about Eastside, please visit