Thank you for your interest in accelerating the vision of Eastside as God provides the resources. Here is everything you need to know about the Dream Team during the 2-year season of UNFINISHED.

The Dream Team is a Change Maker team for those who are called and blessed to help build God’s Kingdom through Eastside with the gift of giving beyond the level of the tithe. As Romans 12:6-8 reminds us “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously…”


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How can you recognize a Dream Team member?

  • Dream Team members gratefully recognize that God has given them the spiritual gift of giving along with the resources to make an eternal impact for generations to come. They demonstrate this through strategic giving over and above their tithe to accelerate Eastside’s vision.
  • Their giving is marked by deep joy as they watch God provide the resources to give generously when their hearts are stirred by a God-sized vision. They give from beauty, not from duty — and as a result, the vision of the local church is accelerated in powerful ways.
  • To complete all four steps of the Next Steps program.
  • To identify and affirm the spiritual gift of giving in my life. (Romans 12:4-8)
  • To give over and above my tithe as an act of worship.
  • To use my resources and influence to make a Kingdom difference through Eastside.

We believe in “joy giving” — the kind that comes from within. We believe that it is God’s Spirit who gives the gift of giving and God who stirs our hearts to give freely and cheerfully. That is why, on the Dream Team, we simply want to encourage you in your spiritual gift and inform you of opportunities — never to ask for a gift directly or to exert pressure.  “You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. As II Corinthians reminds us, “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” 

How Do Dream Team Members Accelerate the Vision

The focus of the Dream Team since its inception in December of 2017 was to accelerate Eastside’s impact through designated gifts (above and beyond the tithe) to Christ-exalting, high-impact projects in these four areas:

  • Campus Projects – Creating settings and space for people to pursue God
  • Next Gen – Building a faith community for the next generation
  • Local Compassion – Bringing hope and help to our community
  • Global Compassion – Unleashing compassion around the world

What have been the results? In the first 4.5 years, Dream Teamers wholeheartedly embraced our growing Eastside vision and gave nearly $8 million through November 2022. The words “farther” and “faster” best describe the impact of these gifts above and beyond the General Fund.

Because UNFINISHED is about 100% engagement in generosity discipleship, we are now inviting every Eastsider to lock arms in support of a two-year vision that includes our General Fund AND special projects to launch four new campuses, expand and improve existing campuses, double our giving to Local and Global Compassion, and pay down campus debt.

As a Dream Team we’re strategically shifting from PROJECT-FOCUSED giving to ONE FUND giving through 2024, and that’s why we’re asking our Dream Team members to do two important things:

  1. Give joyfully and generously — just as you have in the past — to write the next chapter in Eastside’s unfinished story. Instead of supporting individual projects from a quarterly Dream Team report, your generosity is now fueling every single God-sized project covered by our UNFINISHED vision.
  2. Be a light. Dream Teamers are among our very best vision ambassadors, and through your example we believe many others will find Jesus and discover the joy that comes from giving from a surrendered life and generous heart.

how often will i receive updates?

In the past, Dream Team members received a Vision Priority Report every quarter with information on projects that aligned with Eastside’s vision, listed in order of priority. This was the way for Dream Teamers to connect with their passion in support of over 50 special projects — before there was UNFINISHED.

In this season, you will receive quarterly UNFINISHED Celebration Updates highlighting the progress we’re experiencing in campus launches and improvements, debt reduction, and dozens of local and global compassion initiatives. You’ll be among the first to know as new doors of ministry start to swing open, so you can pray for God to move and celebrate the victories.

How Often Does the Dream Team Meet

Because members of the Dream Team are typically busy people who often serve on other Change Maker teams, we intentionally look for simple ways to stay connected a few times a year.

  • Dream Team Celebrations: Twice each year, the entire Dream Team comes together for Vision Update & Celebration gatherings at breakfast or dinner – typically in May/June and November/December.
  • Green Room Dinners: Several times each year, Dream Teamers are invited backstage to the Green Room to join Gene Appel and Larry Winger (Pastor of Giving and Generosity) for dinner and a more intimate time of sharing and connection after our Saturday services. Each Green Room Dinner can accommodate 10-14 people who are the first to check their calendars and respond.

See if these three statements describe you:

  • You give from beauty, not from duty
  • You find joy in watching God provide the resources – big or small – to give generously when your heart is stirred by a God-sized vision
  • You love the vision of Eastside and want to accelerate it in powerful ways.

I look forward to hearing about your journey toward God-inspired generosity.

Larry Winger Pastor of Giving and Generosity

ready to join our team?

Click on the “Learn More” button below to explore the opportunities and to receive a special gift designed to further your journey of joy-filled generosity.