Something More Week 2: Fully Alive


Something More ….. Becoming God’s Best Version Of You

series overview

Something more…. Becoming God’s best version of you. Do you ever wonder if there is more to this life? More than just existing? More than just taking up space? More than just eat-work-sleep-repeat? When we allow God to transform us, He makes us free and fully alive. Join us for “beyond the average” you were made for more!

sermon TITLE

Week 2: Fully Alive ….. In My Spirit

weekend in review

This week Gene shares how we can move from languishing to flourishing as we seek to become God’s best version of ourselves.


Begin with some conversation, checking in on how people are doing. You can talk about whatever you’d like, but here are a few potential questions to get the conversation going.

  • What crazy stunt from high school are you remembered for?

Select 3-4 questions from the list below to guide your discussion time.

  • Read Jeremiah 20:18. Have you ever found yourself feeling there was something more in life?

  • Read Ecclesiastes 2:1. Share a time you found yourself feeling like life was meaningless. How did your faith help you find purpose? How can you point someone in your life that is struggling toward Jesus?

  • Read Ecclesiastes 12:1. Solomon wanted to share the wisdom he had acquired. What is one thing you have learned you would share with people starting their faith journey?

  • Read John 7:37-39. Gene said, “Only the Holy Spirit of God gives your soul the power to be God’s best version of you.” He talked about how you can’t be God’s best version of yourself in your own strength. How would you rate your ability to rely on God’s strength rather than taking control?

  • Read John 6:35. In this and the passage above, Jesus gives two commands that tell us how we can have our most essential longings satisfied. What are they?

  • As believers, we have the Holy Spirit living within us. What flows out of your life? Consider whether people around you would even know there is something different, that you are a person following Jesus.

  • Read Acts 2:38. When did you first decide to follow Jesus? Who was influential in making that decision?

  • Read Galatians 5:22-23. What fruit do you most recognize in yourself? Which one is hardest for you to surrender to the will of the Holy Spirit? What would others say?
  • How can you submit more to the will of the Holy Spirit? What are one or two habits that would help cultivate the Holy Spirit more in your life?

  • If there is an area you need to surrender and need help, consider joining one of our Care & Recovery groups.

Share prayer requests and spend time praying for each other.

Gene invited each of us to begin and end your day with this week.

God, fill me with your Spirit today so I can be your best version of me.

Pray together and next week, come back and share the impact it had on your week.