Something More Week 3: Completely Transformed


Please note: This is the last study guide for our spring session.

Something More ….. Becoming God’s Best Version Of You

series overview

Something more…. Becoming God’s best version of you. Do you ever wonder if there is more to this life? More than just existing? More than just taking up space? More than just eat-work-sleep-repeat? When we allow God to transform us, He makes us free and fully alive. Join us for “beyond the average” you were made for more!

sermon TITLE

Completely Transformed…Renewing My Mind

weekend in review

This week, we look at how we need to transform and renew our minds if we are to become God’s best version.


Begin with some conversation, checking in on how people are doing. You can talk about whatever you’d like, but here are a few potential questions to get the conversation going.

  • Are you move of a worry wart or a daydreamer?

Select 3-4 questions from the list below to guide your discussion time.

  • Read Psalm 32:1-5 (NLT). Do you see how the trash from your past can mess with your identity and be a roadblock to becoming God’s best version of you?

  • Read Romans 12:2. What is God’s part, and what is your part?

  • Read Romans 8:6. When thoughts that bring feelings of shame and unworthiness come your way, how can you “re-wallpaper” your mind? Share your best tool for handling them with others in your group.

  • Read Colossians 3:2 and Romans 8:5. Researchers used to think that your mind was set and could not be changed, but they have now found that the brain is amazingly changeable. It’s what’s called neuroplasticity. When you practice hope, joy, love, or gratitude, your mind is rewiring. What could you set your mind to change and rewire this week?

  • Read Isaiah 26:3. What are practical ways to set your mind on what the Holy Spirit desires? Share if you prayed the prayer, “Fill me with your Spirit so I can be your best version of me.” What did you notice as the week went on?

  • Read Matthew 6:6. Where do you go for your “quiet time?”

  • Read Psalms 119:11, 92-93. What can you feed your mind with so that it can flourish?

  • Psalm 1:1-3. Gene shared that we meditate on the Bible deeply because when you feed your mind with the right stuff, it will transform your mind over time. How could you find time to delight and meditate on scripture more this week?
  • Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. This week spend time in prayer asking God to show you the “junk” you are hauling around that you need to let go of to be free of shame.

Share prayer requests and spend time praying for each other.