Live No Lies Week 2: I Am What I’ve Done


Live No Lies

series overview

Whether these lies come from within us or from around us, they sabotage our peace. In our series, Live No Lies, we’ll learn that Jesus is the truth that sets us free. It’s time to win the battle. It’s time to live no lies

sermon TITLE

I am what I’ve done

weekend in review

We are not our past. The grace of Jesus offers each of us a new life of freedom from the powers of sin and shame.


Begin with some conversation, checking in on how people are doing. You can talk about whatever you’d like, but here are a few potential questions to get the conversation going.

  • Have your family or friends given you a nickname? And if so, what did you think of it?
  • If you have a list of questions to ask Jesus when you get to heaven, name one of them.

Select 3-4 questions from the list below to guide your discussion time.

  • Let’s talk about being judgmental. Why is it so easy to slip into judging others? What do you tell yourself when you find yourself doing so?

  • Read John 8:2-11. Jesus made a statement that forced each of the accusing Pharisees to admit to himself the bigger truth: I am not without sin myself, or in other words, I am also a sinner and also worthy of being condemned for my sins. How does this affect your view of and feelings toward humankind today to realize this is the state of all of us until we answer the call of faith in Jesus?

  • Jesus sees our sin, and he also sees into our souls with compassion and understanding and love. As followers of Jesus, how can we do likewise?

  • How can you address sin but keep compassion for the sinner? What about when that sinner is yourself? What about when the sinner is a danger to themselves and others?

  • Jesus told Grace, “Go now and leave your life of sin.” Gene expanded on the meaning of the message: “You’re not guilty anymore… You’ve been forgiven. Now go and live gratefully for this second change.  Change your lifestyle.  Here’s the truth, it doesn’t have to be like this.  You don’t have to go searching for love in all the wrong places.  You’re standing right in front of unfailing love and you are accepted… You are significant… You are priceless.  You are so worth it that the God of the universe stooped down in the dirt to be with you.  Now go and sin no more.” Has this message hit home with you? What is your salvation story?

  • Read Psalm 103:12. Because of God’s grace, you are not your past. When you find yourself tempted to believe otherwise, what do you do? How do you remind yourself to embrace the grace of Jesus? And to extend it to others?

  • Gene spoke of shame vs grace. Which statement means the most to you?
    • SHAME towers over me and tells me I am defective… GRACE stoops down and tells me I’m valuable.
    • SHAME tells me that I am flawed and unacceptable… GRACE say that even though I am flawed I am priceless.
    • SHAME believe that the opinion of the crowd is what matters… GRACE believes the opinion of Jesus is what matters.
    • SHAME makes us hide… GRACE sets us free.
    • SHAME throws rocks… GRACE lifts our head.
    • SHAME is the language of the Father of Lies… GRACE is the language of Jesus, the one down in the dirty who says, “You are worthy NOW.” Not IF.  Not WHEN…. You are worthy of love and belonging NOW.  Right this MOMENT.  AS IS.

Find scripture verses reminding you of God’s grace. Make a list you can refer to easily to refresh your mind.

  • Share prayer requests and spend time praying for each other.

  • Pray that we may see the world through eyes of godly grace and kindness toward each other and have opportunities to demonstrate this in our interactions with those around us.