The Art of Neighboring.
series overview
When Jesus was asked to sum up everything into one command, he said to love God with all we are and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This study will help you consider what would happen if every follower of Jesus took the Great Commandment literally. There are weekly videos and activities to help you step outside your front door and engage with your neighbors.
While this study is four weeks long, you can shorten it as needed to fit the number of weeks your group has available.
While this study is four weeks long, you can shorten it as needed to fit the number of weeks your group has available.
sermon TITLE
The Call to Neighboring.
getting started
- What factors did you consider when moving into your current neighborhood?
- Share about your neighborhood. What type of relationships do you have with your neighbors? On a scale of 1 to 10, how “connected” is your current neighborhood?
DISCUSSion questions
- Read Acts 17:25-26. According to this passage, why do we live where we live? Why has God placed us in our neighborhoods?
- Read Colossians 4:2-6 NIV. What does it look like to be watchful in your neighborhood? What are you thankful for about your community?
- Kristen did not know her neighbors. She asked God to show her what he wanted her to do. When she sat outside that first day, she said, “Here I am, Lord. Your will be done. Go before, behind, and beside me into the neighborhood.” The act of placing a table on her front lawn opened the door for long-term friendships with several of her neighbors. She learned to be present. Listening is a skill she had to develop. She shared that loving her neighbors drew her into a deeper relationship with God.
- Read Luke 10:29-37. In what ways do we attempt to justify ourselves to avoid taking the Great Commandment literally?
- When you imagine reaching out to your neighbors, what intimidates you?
- Dave Runyon shared three things he and his friends had learned about neighboring.
- Learn people’s names.
- Play in your front yard.
- You have the power to make a difference with your neighbors.
Share what things come to mind when you think of going out and being a trailblazer who brings people together in your neighborhood.
action steps
- Fill out the block map. Quickly jot down the names of your neighbors and these three things:
- The names of the people who live in the house – first or first and last if you know.
- Some basic information about each person.
- Some in-depth information you would know after connecting with people.
- Spend time praying and asking, “What do you want me to do, Lord?”
- Pick one neighbor to pray for this week.
- Take one small step you feel God is calling you to take and share about it with your group next week.
- Spend time praying for your neighbors and asking God to direct your path and overcome any fears you are feeling.
Tip: When you meet a neighbor for the first time, put their name in your phone notes and then you can add them to your block map when you get home. This will help you remember their names!