Some Things Never Change Week 3: The Church Still Prevails
It feels like everything is changing all the time. Seasons change, people change, and society changes. It can be hard to keep up. It can also be unsettling. However, The Bible tells us that while everything changes around us, God remains the same. No matter how uncertain our lives look, we can count on God to remain the same yesterday, today, and forever! Join us for our new series, “Some Things Never Change,” and discover the consistency of God
The Church Still Prevails
We’ve been encouraged, reassured, and reminded that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. In an imperfect world, our perfect God continues to do all things for our good! The Bible still speaks to us! The Holy Spirit still empowers us, and this weekend Pastor Gene reminded us that in spite of all the attacks against it, in spite of all the imperfect people who have misrepresented it, and in spite of the hypocrites who’ve damaged its reputation, the Church of Jesus Christ Still Prevails!
Begin with some conversation, checking in on how people are doing. You can talk about whatever you’d like, but here are a few potential questions to get the conversation going.
- Pastor Gene shared about all of the ways the church and her change makers have had a life-changing impact on his life. Share with your group some of the ways that the Church of Jesus Christ has played an important role in your personal spiritual development.
- Yes, there are some hypocrites in the church who have done great damage to the witness of the church and have wounded people by their actions. But the church is also full of everyday heroes! Some of us have been shaped and guided by a pastor or by someone who was part of the church’s paid staff. But many of us have had volunteers/change makers who’ve also played a significant role in our spiritual growth. Share with us about a change maker who’s been a spiritual hero in your life. Can you share about a special person who helped guide, teach, encourage you, serve as an example for you, or was there for you in a time of need?
- Who does the church belong to, who is her builder, and against what will it prevail? See Matthew 16:18.
- How many people responded to Peter’s preaching of the Gospel of Jesus on the church’s inaugural day on the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem? And what did they do to demonstrate their acceptance of his message? Acts 2:41
- Read Acts 2:42. After their baptism, what 4 priorities, 4 values, or 4 practices did the early converts to the Christian faith devote themselves to?
- Read Acts 2:42-47. A) How did the early Christians demonstrate their love for people in need?
- B) Where did they meet in large groups for worship and where did they meet in small groups for fellowship?
- C) How often were people being saved and who added these new Christians to the Church?
- Read Acts 4:1-4. Peter and John continued to preach in the Temple Courts about the resurrection of Jesus. The Priests, the captain of the temple guard, and the Sadducees turned up their opposition to the Christian message and to those who were preaching it, A) Nevertheless, in spite of the increasing opposition, how did the people respond to the preaching of the Resurrection? B) How did the church in Jerusalem grow?
- How does Acts 5:14 describe the church’s growth?
- The New Testament describes and refers to the church as the Body of Christ. Who makes it grow? See Colossians 2:19. See also 1 Corinthians 3:6-7.
- Describe some specific things one could do to express their devotion to:
- Bible teaching
- Fellowship
- Bible teaching
- Communion
- Prayer
- Communion
- How does the rapid growth and expansion of the church in spite of increasing opposition and persecution express the truth of Matthew 16:18.
- What are some specific ways the church prevails today?
- What are some things you could do personally to help the Church to prevail?
wrap up | prayer
Share prayer requests and close your time together by praying for one another.