talking with your kids about Sexuality

As parents, we have the responsibility of helping our kids understand their developing sexuality… but honestly, that can sound daunting!  As your child’s parent, you are the PERFECT person to help them learn and discuss the truth about the amazing way that God designed them in every way and how we can have rewarding and healthy relationships.  Our kids NEED us to walk alongside them, empathetically listen to their questions and thoughts, and help them process! We’ve created some resources just for you. If you have specific questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Eastside, and we’ll connect you with a pastor who’s specifically equipped to help you as you lead your kids. Check out these resources below, by age and topic, to help you start these important conversations

God Made Your Body, by Jim Burns      

A book with engaging text & kid friendly illustrations, it provides the basic foundation that God created our bodies and wants us to honor Him with our bodies

How God Makes Babies, by Jim Burns 

This book is an age-appropriate introduction to basic sexuality, helping children ages 6 to 9 understand that God created males and females differently and with a purpose

More Than Just the Talk: Becoming Your Kids’ Go-To Person About Sex
by Jonathan McKee

This book is a FANTASTIC tool for parents who don’t feel fully equipped to have conversations with their kids.  It provides both tools and motivation, and helps you overcome the awkwardness of the topic!

Living in a Gray World – Preston Sprinkle

This book brings biblical truth and compassion about this important topic.  A book that parents and their teenage kid can read & discuss.

The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender is a collaboration of Christian pastors, leaders & theologians, who aspire to be a trusted source for the Church on questions related to sexuality & gender.  Led by Pastor Preston Sprinkle, this site has resources, online courses, blog posts, and theologically grounded.

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6 ways to tackle tough conversations with teens

6 Ways to Tackle Tough Conversations With Teens

Do you ever feel like you and your teen disagree on some of the “big things?”  Or ever feel like when you talk about your different opinions on faith, values, or beliefs the conversations could go better?

It can feel overwhelming especially if you don’t feel equipped to answer these tough questions. Every day our teens are hearing that living out your true, authentic self is what is most important. Their facing conversations about how all religions lead to God. They’re being told the most important thing to chase is happiness. It can feel daunting when your teen comes home questioning their faith or expressing views that conflict with biblical values. However, with the right approach, these moments provide valuable opportunities to ….

did you know we have small groups
for kids and students of all ages!

  We desire to help your kids take steps in their spiritual journey and our weekend small groups are the best way to do that! To find out when and where our kids and students meet, use the drop-down button below.

Kidside is available on all of our campuses during every service. Our staff and amazing volunteers are committed to creating a fun and safe environment for children to learn about God. Each month’s theme is taught through worship, interactive lessons, small groups, games, crafts, snacks, plus something to take home. Wondering what to expect please visit for more information.

Small groups are at the core of JHM. Our hope is to energize students to connect with their peers and give them a vision of who they were created to be. We want to help your student find friends and develop significant relationships in small groups that meet during the weekend. They’re made up of a consistent group of students and led by committed adult leaders. These groups are designed to create a safe environment for students to share what’s going on in their lives, ask questions about faith, and discuss Biblical topics that are relevant to their lives.  These groups provide a community for students to discover and pursue what it means to create friendships that matter, follow Jesus every day, and make a difference in the world around them. For times and locations, visit for more information.

JHM partners with parents by teaching middle school-age-oriented messages covering all topics, easy and hard, from a Biblical perspective.  All of our messages are found at

HSM provides a space to get to know other students, hear a Biblically-based message, and then break into groups with a small group leader. We promise to welcome them in and take good care of every student. Please note HSM meets on Sundays and the location and times vary depending on the campus.  For times and locations, visit for more information. 

HSM partners with parents by teaching high school age oriented messages covering all topics, easy and hard, from a Biblical perspective.  Click HERE to watch our messages on demand. 

Some message series that may help you chat about tougher topics with your teen are “Soft Launch” on dating, emotional boundaries, and physical boundaries and “Hot Takes” on literally EVERY question our HSM students wanted to ask.  Dive in to watch and then dive into some cool conversations with your highschooler!

Recently graduated from High School, attending trade school, college student, starting a new career, or trying to navigate the post-college life? No matter which season you’re in, this is for you. We desire to help every 18-26 year old connect to God, the church, and each other.  For times and more information, please visit