Live No Lies
series overview
Whether these lies come from within us or from around us, they sabotage our peace. In our series, Live No Lies, we’ll learn that Jesus is the truth that sets us free. It’s time to win the battle. It’s time to live no lies
sermon TITLE
I Am What People Say I Am.
weekend in review
Instead of building our lives on the shaky foundation of other people’s opinions, we can build on something rock solid: Jesus Christ.
Begin with some conversation, checking in on how people are doing. You can talk about whatever you’d like, but here are a few potential questions to get the conversation going
- How do you determine if what you see or read on the internet is real/true or fake/not true?
- How much does social media affect your opinion of yourself and the value of the life you lead? Are you using it in a healthy way or not so much?
Select 3-4 questions from the list below to guide your discussion time.
- Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-4. We’re all learning and growing. When you realize that you too have been “acting just like people of the world,” what do you do? How do you know if you are living worldly lies?
- Read 1 Corinthians 3:11 and 3:18-23. The Amplified Bible version explains the phrase in verse 18, “let him become a fool” to mean “discarding his worldly pretensions and acknowledging his lack of wisdom.” Why is this necessary?
- We are prone to filling our egos with things that make us feel we have meaning, that we belong, and that we are better than other people. Common things we attempt to build our identities on that are apart from God include my career, my salary, my or my kids’ achievements, my physical appearance, intelligence, education, competency, skills, or talents. There is nothing wrong with enjoying and encouraging each other in these things, but what can happen if we fail to recognize that these are not the most important things about us? Or about each other? How can we guard against that?
- Read Romans 8:37-39. Maybe people have hurt you with discouraging comments: negative remarks about your potential, your job (or lack of), your physical appearance, intelligence, education, competency or skills, cultural or family background, addictions, habits, or ruts. Or you may have been led to believe you are only lovable when you succeed… when you get the grade, get the job, get the girl… then you’re lovable. Did any of those hit home? What happens when you believe any of those are the most important thing about you? How does it change you when you believe that what God says about you is most important? Do you struggle with that?
- Read 1 Corinthians 3:21-23 and 4:3-5. This is how the apostle Paul saw himself. How is living as if we are on trial in the court of public opinion different from responding to God’s grace? What does living in the assurance and freedom of God’s grace mean to you?
- Read John 3:16; Ephesians 1:4; Psalm 139:14; Psalm 23:4; Romans 8:37-39. Share if you have a favorite scripture to remind you of what God says about you.
- One by one, have each of you say aloud to the group, “What you say about me is not most important. What I say about me is not most important. What God says about me is most important.”
- If you haven’t already, start a list of scriptures to remind yourself of what God says about you. You will find many scriptures about who you are in Christ in Paul’s letters to the church. Add to your list as you read through the Bible.
- Pray for strength and understanding to overcome the tyranny of what others say and instead live in the assurance of God’s grace, love, and constant presence with us.
- Share prayer requests and spend time praying for each other.