Building A Resilient Faith Week 1: Prayer


Building A Resilient Faith

series overview

Ever wondered the secrets of people who live a life of faith over a long haul? Why do some followers of Jesus have a resilient faith that can withstand the storms of life while others flame out or implode? Join us at Eastside this weekend as we unpack the secrets for building a resilient faith.

sermon TITLE


WEEK 1: Building A Resilient Faith | Intro + Prayer

If your group hasn’t had a chance to introduce themselves, take a few minutes to do. Then answer this question:

● What does that look like to you when you think of a person with resilience – specifically, a resilient faith?

● How would you define spiritual practices – as a group, list as many as possible.

Play Teaching Video for Week 1

Share reflections from the video. Watch the video here.

  • How do you think a person can have a Resilient Faith?

  • Read Matthew 7:24-27.
    • Would you say your foundation is firm?
    • What are the sands people often build their life on?
    • What storms have you faced or are currently facing?

  • Prayer and the conversation we have with God is one of our main spiritual practices. It is how we can talk to God, ask questions and share our heart. How do you incorporate prayer into your life?

  • Read John 15:7-11. Jesus repeats remain in me, love and bearing fruit. How are these related? Why is it important to be deliberate in our intention to spend time with him?

  • How would your life change if you prayed for God to shape your heart instead of just a list of requests?

  • What would your life look like without the practice of prayer and being able to talk with God directly?
  • Have everyone share one way you can pray for them this week.

    Thank God for what He has done in each group member’s life. Ask Him to open your hearts and minds to new ways of connecting with Him. Invite Him to use your time together over the next eight weeks to help you understand, plan, and implement spiritual practices that will help you grow and engage with Him as He continues the work He has started in each of you.

Going Deeper | Put In To Practice

These activities are designed for you to explore different methods of the weekly practice. Pick one or two to try this week.

  • Spend 10 minutes of uninterrupted prayer each day.
    Tip: Plan when you will do that, put it on your calendar and even set a reminder. Next week spend time sharing about your experience.


  • Pray through the Lord’s prayer using the Recognize, Request, Receive, and Reflect method to guide you. Here is a guide you can use:

    Our Father in heaven, holy is your name
    This is his reminder to us that we need to first
    Recognize there is a God in heaven and that you and I are not Him

    May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven
    When we pray those words it’s a
    Request,  asking God to participate in what He’s doing. Instead of asking God to get on our agenda we’re joining God’s plan.

    Give us this day, our daily bread.
    Which is him empowering us to
    Receive this day as a blessing,  giving thanks for it as the sun rises and as we start each and every day.

    Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
    Which is our opportunity to
    Reflect on our day, bringing God our regrets and forgiving others as the sun sets on this day.      


  • Breathing Prayer –
    A breath prayer is a short prayer of praise to God or request to God that you pray silently while breathing deeply. This prayer method is helpful in centering us and quieting our souls as we begin our prayer time.
    • Choose a scripture.
    • Breathe in and out
    • Continue your prayer until you feel you have reached a sense of inner stillness in the presence of God.

Inhale: The Lord is my shepherd
Exhale: I shall not want.

  • While driving to work or school, alone or with your family, pray for your day, your work, and all the people you will encounter.

Scripture: Matthew 7:24-27 | John 15:7