Stand Firm Week 3 Courage Under Fire



series overview

Culture is shifting. We see it all around us. So, how do people of faith live and love well in a culture of compromise? How do we stand firm without alienating the very people who need the grace and love of Jesus? Join us for a brand new 5-part series from the book of Daniel, and let’s discover together how Daniel and his friends personified courageous faith in a spirit of love and truth.

sermon TITLE

Courage Under Fire

Sermon Summary

Gene’s sermon “Courage Under Fire” focuses on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3. They demonstrated unwavering faith by refusing to compromise, even in the face of death. He encourages all of us to pray for renewal, overcome fears, and confidently stand for our faith, knowing that the fire within us is greater than any furnace we may face.

Ice Breaker

What is one food item that you have a personal aversion too? How did you discover that you hated this food? What about it do you have the greatest aversion to (the taste, the texture, the smell)? Is there any circumstance that would cause you to eat in anyway?


Discussion Questions

  1. In what ways do you face pressure to compromise your faith in today’s society?

    What specific situations have you encountered where you experienced this pressure, and how did you respond?

  2. Read Daniel 3:5-27. In light of these men and their example, Gene called us to greater conviction (passionate beliefs), and greater confidence (courage to take a stand). Out of those two, which do you need the most right now? Why?

    Which of these two (conviction or confidence) do you find most difficult? Given your personal history, why do you think that is?

  3. The passage shows that these three men believed that God would save them somehow. But Daniel 3:18 reveals they had an even higher level of conviction: “But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” What do you think their unconditional convictions are based on, if not the assurance that God will save them from the fire?

    Are your convictions (about God, yourself, integrity, marriage, generosity, parenting, etc.) based on God promising positive outcomes or on your convictions about what God wants, no matter what? There may be different answers for different areas of your life as you explore this for yourself.

  4. Read Daniel 3:28-30. How did the actions of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego ultimately impact the life of King Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian culture?

    Can you think of a situation in your life where standing firm in your faith had a positive impact on someone else?

  5. Their Israeli citizenship as a people belonging to God enabled Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to stand firm against King Nebuchadnezzar’s orders to worship the golden idol. Read Philippians 3:20-21. How can your citizenship in the Kingdom of God do the same for you today?

    What are some practical ways that your primary citizenship can strengthen your own convictions to help you resist unnecessary compromise in our current culture?


●  Ask for any prayer requests within the group.

●  Are there any areas you need strength to stand firm in your convictions in a culture of compromise?

●  Do you need the courage to confront challenges this week with faith and trust in God?

●  Share any personal “furnaces” you are facing this week to receive the prayer support of your group today.