Relationship Memes Week 6


Relationship Memes Week 6


Our world has turned into a giant meme. Whether it’s a dance move, a confused look, a cute baby, a total triumph, or an epic collapse – the choices are endless. Instead of treating our relationships casually, what if we actually communicated face to face to say what we needed to say? What if we humbled ourselves and allowed God to lead us in all of our conversations? Join us for a practical series on navigating through our most valued relationships.


Values of a Healthy Family


Jake talked about the values of a healthy family, emphasizing the importance of embracing grace
and recognizing imperfections. He discussed how social media often portrays a perfect version of
family life, causing comparison and discontentment. Jake stressed that the foundation of a
healthy family is the Gospel and encouraged parents to have grace for themselves and their
children, focusing on modeling grace-filled lives. He concluded by reminding the congregation
of the lifelong journey of parenting and the availability of God's grace.


How do you think the portrayal of “perfect” family life on social media affects our perceptions of
our own families, and what challenges or pressures does it create?

  • Read Ephesians 3:20.  At this very moment God’s grace is continuing to shape us and mold us. We can have grace with ourselves because we are unfinished people. How does recognizing our families’ imperfections help us embrace grace for ourselves and others?

Jake mentioned that all families have flaws, and that even biblical families had their challenges.

How can you practice embracing grace in your own family when conflicts or misunderstandings arise?

  • Why are healthy families better than the so-called perfect families, and how does the Gospel play a role in this?

The sermon emphasized that the foundation of a healthy family is the Gospel, which teaches us to focus on what Jesus did for us rather than our own abilities or accomplishments.

How can you apply the Gospel to your family relationships to foster a healthier environment?

  • Read Matthew 12:34. How can we use the recognition that our words and actions are reflections of what’s in our hearts as an opportunity for personal growth and a deeper reliance on God’s grace in our relationships, especially with our families?

Jake encouraged parents to recognize their need for grace and to demonstrate humility, as well as teaching their children about Jesus.

As a parent or a future parent, how can you implement grace into your parenting strategies and day-to-day life?

  • Read Galatians 2:21 and Romans 2:4. What are some practical ways that parents can teach their children about grace and forgiveness?

Jake suggested that parents focus on teaching their children about Jesus and modeling grace-filled lives, rather than relying on fear, rewards, or guilt.

In what ways can you incorporate grace into your family’s daily life, such as through conversations, prayer, or other activities?

  • How can embracing the process of parenting as a never-ending conversation help parents and children grow in their relationship and understanding of grace?

The sermon concluded with the reminder that parenting is a lifelong journey and that grace is available for both parents and children.

How can you personally engage in ongoing conversations about grace with your family members or close friends?

wrap up | prayer
  • Ask for prayer requests from the group.

  • Ask God to help each group member recognize and accept the imperfections within their own families, fostering an environment of grace and understanding. 

  • Pray for the ability to extend grace to ourselves and others, especially in times of conflict or misunderstanding within family units. 

  • Pray for parents in the group, asking God to help them rely on His grace in their parenting journey and model a life filled with grace to their children. 

  • Pray for a mindset shift, asking than a destination, and to see parenting as a never-ending conversation filled with grace and love.