you know what they say

We’ve all heard the expressions “You know what they say…everything happens for a reason” or “God won’t give you more than you can handle” or “money is the root of all evil.”  No one knows who “they” are, but “they” seem to be well-informed. It may surprise you, but these phrases are actually not found in the Bible. Nothing can be more frustrating when going through a trying time than having a well-intentioned friend or family member provide a blanketed solution as a result of unfounded theology. Join us for our new series as we look at these expressions and the biblical truths behind them.
You kNow what they say - Week 1 - Message
October 18th, 2020

Rusty George

you know what they say - Week 2 - Message
October 25th, 2020

Mike Breaux

you know what they say - Week 3 - Message
november 1st, 2020

Gene Appel