be a light
In the darkest of days, and through the toughest of times, Jesus calls us to let our light shine. In a world full of hate, you can be a shining light. DURING THIS SERIES, Join us FOR 21 DAYS OF PRAYER AND A NIGHT OF WORSHIP.
mark your calendars...
starts august 23
Prayer is powerful. The Bible makes it clear that when we stand together, God stands alongside us. 21 Days of Prayer begins Monday, August 23. We’ll have Gene's daily videos and prayer prompts available on the Eastside app, daily emails, on our social pages, and on our YouTube channel. We look forward to being a light with you during this season!
september 1 at 7pM (PT)
God is doing amazing things during this uncertain time, and we could all use an evening of spiritual connection, growth and encouragement. Remember to invite your friends and family! We'll see you there!