My God Week 3 : Promise Keeper


Promise Keeper

sermon guide

We discover much about the nature of God—his intentions, his will, his “heart”—by studying the different names he is called in the Bible. This week we focused on Jehovah-Jireh, the God who provides, who has promised to provide. God is the Promise Keeper.

The pandemic the world is currently experiencing tests us all. A test is something that challenges us to rise to the occasion, and it reveals our response. Faith is trusting God to provide during the doubts, delays, darkness, and difficult times.

Have someone read Genesis 12:1-3.

Here we see that God made three promises to Moses.

God told Abraham to leave his country, promising to lead Abraham to a LAND that God would show him.

God promised to make Abraham’s descendants into a great NATION. God would be giving Abraham a family.

God promised that all the peoples of the earth would receive a BLESSING through Abraham.
Have someone read Deuteronomy 8:2.

How has your heart been tested in the past? How did God provide for you during this time?

Why is it important for God to know what is in his people’s hearts?
We can reason that God tests the hearts of his people not because he doesn’t know the state of our being, but because we need to know. Testing helps us build greater trust in the Lord, to become people who are always in a “yes” position. God wants us always to be ready to surrender all to him, even when it’s hard.

God’s promise of a family and a nation had barely gotten started with the birth of Isaac. Yet Abraham was asked to lay his dear son down on an altar, presumably to die.
Have someone read Hebrews 11:17-19 and Genesis 22:14.
What are some ways we can encourage one another to trust the Lord and surrender to him unconditionally?

Gene told us, “God is testing us to see if we will trust Jehovah-Jireh, the God who provides, during this time of doubts, delays, darkness, and difficulties.” How does this statement affect your thoughts as you face the challenges before you?
Have someone read Philippians 4:19.

Share a way you have seen God provide this week.

wrap up

Ask your group members to read Matthew 21:1-11, the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on what is now known as Palm Sunday.

  • What did the people indicate about their own view of and response to Jesus by laying down their coats and waving palms or branches along his path? 

  • What can we do in our own lives to “prepare the way for the Lord”?

This week invite your friends and family, especially those who have yet to know Jesus, to join you in watching our Good Friday and Easter services.


Ask the group to share their prayer requests. Ask someone to type them up and share the list with the group. Consider pairing people up to do a video call and pray for each other during the coming week.

Thank God for the example of Abraham and this picture of God’s extravagant love in sacrificing his Son to save us. Pray that God would give us the faith to believe that his plans are better than ours, even when it’s hard for us to see or understand.

If you do not currently use an app such as GroupMe, we suggest you give it a try. It is an easy way to keep in touch throughout the week.