Living In the Age of Rage Week 1: Exposing the Roots of Rage


Living in The Age of Rage

sermon guide

Everyone gets angry from time to time. When you do, are you more likely to express your anger in one way or another, or sit on it and stew?

Have someone read James 1:19-20.

The book of James is written to followers of Jesus who were experiencing a multitude of incredible pressures. James provided insight and direction to deal in a godly way with the anger they were feeling.

Have someone read Proverbs 29:11 and Proverbs 17:27.

Reflect before you react. 

James drew attention to what the mature faith looks like in action. How are James’s three commands in verse 19 related to one another? 

When in the midst of feeling angry, have you ever stopped to ask yourself if your anger is being driven by hurt, frustration, or fear? 

What would every one of our relationships look like if we were quick to listen, and sought to understand a situation and what’s underneath it before seeking to be understood ourselves?

2. Restrain your remarks. We manage anger better when we are slow to speak and slow to become angry and restrain ourselves from recklessly ventilating.

What does recklessly ventilating anger do to our relationship with those we are angry with? Have you ever felt angry with God? 

Have someone read Proverbs 17:28 and Proverbs 10:19.

3. Remember the Results

Anger can be a positive thing that energizes us to do the right thing. There are 256 Bible verses describing that God sometimes gets angry. There is a righteous anger that fuels people to bring about change and right wrongs.  

Have someone read Psalm 103:8.

Brainstorm a list of things it is good to angry about.

Share if your life has been impacted by anger. What were the effects of it on your life?

Jesus wants to help you with the roots of your anger. He wants to heal your hurt with his love. He wants to relieve your frustration with his peace and wants to overcome your fear with his power. The Bible says God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power. The same power that resurrected Jesus from the grave is available to us who trust him. 


During these months of sheltering in place, what has been your biggest trigger when it comes to anger?

How could you approach it differently the next time you feel triggered?


Share prayer requests and spend time praying for each other.

Lecrae says, “If we can be honest about our scars, we can show other people that wounds can heal.” Who can you encourage this week?

This week think about a current challenge you are facing. Take a few minutes to work through the BREATHE acrostic, writing down how you can apply it.

Spend time one day meditating on Philippians 4:8. Ask God to show you how to fill your mind with these things. Then pray, thanking God for all the good things in your life. Be specific.

Take a few moments to share prayer requests and pray for one another.

Praise God for the work of Christ and his healing which brings freedom. Thank God for the changes that he has brought to our lives as believers. Ask God to show you how you can use your personal stories of how God has freed you to share and encourage others.