Limitless Week 2
Every country has its borders. Every ocean, its shorelines. But the power and love of God truly knows no bounds. And He is still not finished with Eastside! As we continue to declare his faithfulness, we eagerly anticipate what He will do in and through us. Join us beginning October 21/22 as we launch toward a future filled with LIMITLESS possibilities.
- Play the video with a message from Gene and includes a story..
- This video will be the third eek for the Limitless groups but week two of the weekend Limitless series.
- To access the Week Two – Limitless Courage videos, go to:
Message Summary
This message explores the extraordinary courage of Peter and John in the early church, emphasizing their boldness in proclaiming Jesus despite threats and imprisonment. Gene highlights that their courage came from being transformed by the resurrected Jesus and receiving the power of the Holy Spirit. He challenges us to examine our level of courage as witnesses of Jesus, encouraging us to step out in faith and generosity.
Begin with some conversation, checking in on how people are doing. You can talk about whatever you’d like, but here are a few potential questions to get the conversation going.
What is one goal that you would still like to accomplish by the end of the year?
Play the Teaching Video for Week 2 – Limitless Courage.
- Share reflections from the video. Watch the video with the links above.
- Here is the link to the YouTube Playlist
- Read Acts 3 + 4. In what ways did Peter and John display limitless courage?
Context: Peter and John healed a lame man in the name of Jesus and fearlessly proclaimed the Gospel despite threats from the Jewish leaders.
When have you demonstrated courage in your faith or shared the Gospel with others despite difficulties or opposition? - How did the power of the Holy Spirit enable Peter and John to become courageous witnesses of Jesus?
Context: Pastor Gene noted that their transformation came from being with the resurrected Jesus and receiving the limitless power of the Holy Spirit.
How can you rely on the Holy Spirit to empower you to courageously share your faith and participate in the life and ministry of the church? - What practical ways can you step out in courageous faith and generosity?
Context: Pastor Gene challenged the congregation to reflect the heart of God by sharing the Gospel, inviting people to know Jesus, and actively participating in the church’s mission.
Can you think of specific situations where you can demonstrate courageous faith and generosity? - How does the story of Peter and John in Acts 3-4 inspire you to examine your own level of courage as a witness of Jesus?
Context: Pastor Gene emphasized the importance of displaying limitless courage, just as Peter and John did, in our commitment to sharing the Gospel and profess our faith in Jesus.
What steps will you take to grow in your boldness and courage in sharing your faith with others? - Why do you think it is important for the church to be courageous and actively engaged in the mission of sharing the Gospel?
Context: Pastor Gene called for the congregation to be a courageous church by participating in the ‘Unfinished Initiative’ and helping to impact the community.
What do you believe are the personal and societal benefits of a courageous church that is actively involved in sharing the Gospel?
wrap up | prayer
- Ask for prayer requests from the group members.
- Pray for the courage to share the Gospel and invite people to know Jesus fearlessly, just as Peter and John did.
- Pray for the transformation of hearts and minds through the limitless power of the Holy Spirit, just as it transformed Peter and John from being fearful to being courageous.
- Pray for guidance and discernment in understanding how each member can participate and contribute to the mission of Eastside Church through the “Unfinished Initiative.”
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