is drinking a sin?
is taking legal drugs a sin?
is drinking alcohol a sin?
What in your life stands between you and spiritual, physical, emotional, or mental health? Has someone close to you or you yourself wondered if drugs or alcohol are affecting your life?
Grace is messy and hard to accept. We can be so hard on ourselves, refusing to believe that grace could overcome the chains of addiction. Are there hurts, habits, or hang-ups that create doubt and keep you from living the life you want to be?
How do you know when substances have started to effect your life? Greg and Laura share how they found freedom and recovery from substance abuse and stopped the cycle of addiction in their family. Click here to read more about their story.
but Maybe drugs and alcohol aren't an issue for you, you are just wondering if drinking is a sin? or you would like to know if the bible says anything about legal drugs.
What does the bible say about drinking?
does the bible even mention drugs or alcohol?
The Bible says "I can do anything I want to if Christ has not said no, but some of these things aren’t good for me. Even if I am allowed to do them, I’ll refuse to if I think they might get such a grip on me that I can’t easily stop when I want to."
We, as flawed people, have made lists of the deeds we think are unforgivable. That is not what the Bible says. The Bible says where sin increases; grace increases all the more. Faith activates God’s grace. We just have to believe, and we are forgiven. Often our insecurities keep us from viewing see ourselves as God’s handiwork. We allow those insecurities and the lies that go with them to cause us to doubt.
Take a few minutes to watch this message about what the bible actually says about drinking. Our unofficial motto at Eastside is “This Is For Everyone” and we really mean it; we invite the doubter, the skeptic and the curious. We hope you’ll consider joining us this weekend in person on a campus near you or you can watch online. Please click “You’re Invited” to find out more about Eastside.
wondering how to help an addict?
you don't have to navigate this season alone
Alcohol or drugs can be an obvious struggle, but what about some less obvious habits. We turn to over-eating, become workaholics, shopaholics, addicted to social media, struggle with pornography, and many other things, to numb the pain. Jesus wants us to be filled with something better than substances or distractions. He wants so much better for our lives. When we let God control our life, we don’t need to turn to these other things to fill that void.
Let’s face it: Life can get difficult… complicated. But you don’t have to navigate this season alone. We would love to pray for you! To share your prayer request click here. We’d also love to invite you to join a caring community of people, who will walk beside you on this journey to hope and healing. We have various groups for people who struggle with an addiction and for their loved ones. Find A Group or just need someone to talk to contact Greg Arbues.