Easter 2024: Made New


Easter At Eastside


Celebrate a new season of life, love, and opportunity. Experience high-quality live music, unforgettable stories, and be encouraged through an inspirational message. Invite your friends and family to this life-changing event as together we renew our hope this Easter!


Made New

Gene’s sermon “Made New” focuses on the transformative power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ for believers. He contrasts the lasting impact of Easter with fleeting traditions like egg hunts, emphasizing the overlooked central message. The sermon concludes with an invitation to accept Christ, be baptized, and find support in the church community for their decision.


What do you let define you?

  1. What is the central message of Easter that is often overlooked?

    How does focusing on the true message of Easter affect the way you perceive and celebrate it?

  2. How does sin affect our identity and perception of ourselves?

    What are some examples of sin distorting our view of ourselves or others in your own life?

  3. Read 2  Corinthians 5:17. What does it mean to be a new creation in Christ?

    How has accepting Christ as your Savior affected your self-image and understanding of your identity?

  4. Why can’t we fix our past mistakes and sin by doing good things?

    What are some ways you’ve tried to fix your own problems, and how did it turn out?

  5. How does Jesus’ resurrection transform our lives?

    Can you share a personal experience or story of how Jesus’ resurrection has transformed your life?
wrap up | prayer

Ask for prayer requests and take time to pray for each person’s specific needs.

  • Ask God to help us apply the transformative power of the resurrection to our lives throughout the coming week.

  • Pray that we would have a renewed identity in Christ, not defined by our past mistakes or experiences.

  • Ask for strength to let go of relying on our own efforts to clean up our messes and instead fully embrace God’s grace.

  • Pray for those who have not yet accepted Jesus into their lives that they will have the courage to take the step of faith and be baptized.