christian counseling | support groups
biblical counseling
To speak with a pastor please call (714) 871-6844 during our office hours Tuesday – Friday 9:30am – 5pm. To meet with a pastor in person please come to church this weekend. For more information about our service times and to find a campus near you go to
support groups near me
Let’s face it: Life can get difficult… complicated. But you don’t have to navigate these seasons alone. This caring community of people, who have walked the path to recovery, will walk beside you on your journey to hope and healing. If someone you love or you are struggling, we’re here to help you find hope, healing, and freedom. We have support groups for Celebrate Recover, DivorceCare, GriefShare, Marriage Restoration and more. For a full list of support groups and for times and locations please click “more info” below.
christian COUNSELING near me
online christian COUNSELING near me
None of us are immune to life’s challenges and may at times find ourselves in need of the support and experience of a professional Christian counselor to help us navigate through these difficult seasons. Eastside has created a list of Christian counseling centers with good reputation in the professional counseling community near each of our campuses. Each of the counseling centers offers licensed and prelicensed counselors experienced in a broad range of specialties and able to provide Christ centered individual, couples, and family therapy. However, Eastside cannot guarantee the quality of services you may receive. The selection of a professional counselor is a highly personal matter and the ultimate decision rests with you. Please choose the dropdown for your state to find counselors near you.
Center for Individual and Family Therapy (CIFT)
(714) 558-9266 |
Offices are located in Brea, Santa Ana, Mission Viejo, Costa Mesa, Los Alamitos and Torrance/SouthBay
Turning Point Counseling
(800) 998-6329 |
Offices are located in Brea, Chino, Corona, Fullerton, La Habra, Los Alamitos
SPARE Ministries
(714) 345-4938 |
Offices are located in Anaheim
Irvine Family Counseling Center
(949)354-4846 |
Office located in Irvine
The Paved Road
(949) 524-5492 |
Office located in Newport Beach
New Hope Christian Counseling
(951) 247-6542 |
Office located in Redlands.
Emmaus Counseling
(909) 520-5423 |
Office located in Redlands
A Better Connection Counseling
(218) 699 – 3510 |
1009 Hollinger StreetPark Rapids, MN 56470
Group Works Wellness
(218) 366-2636 |
1003 Hollinger St.
Park Rapids, MN
Wellness Matters
(218) 255-3321 |
207 Park Ave S, Suite 2, PO Box 957
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Renewing Life Center
702.434.7290 |
3243 E Warm Springs Road, Las Vegas, NV 89120
Housing assistance | homeless individuals
Community Care Response Team
(714) 820-9090
This is available ONLY in the City of Anaheim. *This is a live call center – community workers will be dispatched to respond, 7 days a week from 7am-9pm.
Anaheim Police Department
(714) 765-1900
Homeless Liaison Officer (if during non CCRT hours only)
Homeless Outreach Hotline
(714) 765-7970
City Net Outreach line
(562) 231-7151
*Outreach Lines are not managed by a live person at this time – leave a voice message and someone will call you back within a business week.
Lakewood Sheriff’s Station
(562) 623-3500
*Officers can link individuals to the Mercy House New Hope shelter.
Kingdom Causes Bellflower
(562) 804-2189
Only during regular business hours.
Call 2-1-1
Contact United Way 211 by calling “211.” The 2-1-1 Coordinated Entry System (CES) is available in San Bernardino County, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Callers are connected to a live, bilingual homeless assistance call specialist who can help find an open bed at a shelter.
Redlands Police Department
(909) 798-7681
Homeless Assistance
(909) 798-7681
Park Rapids does not have an emergency shelter available at this time and the nearest shelter is out of town. Individuals can contact MAHUBE-OTWA during regular business hours for referral and linkage (218) 732-7204
local community resources
Community Care Response Team (CCRT)
For individuals with ties to the City of Anaheim ONLY
(714) 820-9090
7 days a week from 7am-9pm
*Must be street level homeless (sleeping in uninhabitable areas like parks, cars, etc)
Anaheim Police Department: Homeless Liaison Officer
For individuals with ties to the City of Anaheim during non CCRT hours only
(714) 765-1900
*Must be street level homeless (sleeping in uninhabitable areas like parks, cars, etc)
City Net OC
(714) 451-6198
*Must be street level homeless (sleeping in uninhabitable areas like parks, cars, etc)
Family Solutions Collaborative
Coverage Area: Orange County.
Complete online application linked HERE
*Services for families with minor aged children in the home ONLY // Services include rental assistance, referrals to shelter, navigation and referrals to housing programs and referrals to other supportive services.
Salvation Army (Anaheim and Fullerton) // Financial assistance for low income individuals based on available funding
Coverage Area: Anaheim, Brea, Fullerton, Buena Park, La Habra, Placentia, Villa Park, and Yorba Linda residents only.
1515 West North Street | Anaheim CA 92801
(714) 451-8080 (Fullerton, La Habra, Yorba Linda, Brea, Placentia, Buena Park)
(714) 783-2344 Anaheim and Villa Park.
*Must have Picture ID, proof of types of income, proof of ability to pay next month’s rent, and provide proof of past due utility bill with client’s name on it. Rental and utility assistance happens once per lifetime. Must meet the income guidelines.
San Antonio Family Assistance // Provides rent assistance to families with children
Coverage Area: Anaheim, Brea, Fullerton, Orange, Placentia, Santa Ana, Tustin, and Yorba Linda.
5800 East Santa Ana Canyon Road | Anaheim Hills CA 92807
(714) 974-9728
*By appointment only, must meet eligibility requirements.
Pathways of Hope – Hub of Hope
611 S. Ford Ave. | Fullerton, CA 92832
(714) 680-3691
*Food pantry is open 1-4pm on Mondays-Fridays. They also do clothing vouchers twice per year and emergency food and hygiene items three times per month.
The Dwelling Place
5340 E La Palma Ave | Anaheim, CA 92807
*By appointment ONLY. Book an appointment HERE
Chrysalis Orange County
290 S. Anaheim Blvd. | Anaheim, CA 92805
Phone: (714) 204-3000
*Chrysalis seeks to help you secure employment that pays you a living wage. They help people from all walks of life and have skilled employment case managers.
The Sheepfold Transitional Shelter
(714) 237-1444
*Provides shelter for women with children who have experienced domestic abuse and/or are without housing. Services are provided from a Christian perspective.
Laura’s House
(949) 361-3775
*Provides counseling, resources and shelter for women who have experienced domestic abuse.
Domestic Violence Advocacy Center
12453 Lewis Street, Suite 201 | Garden Grove, CA 92840
(714) 450-6131
24 Hour Emergency Hotline: (866) 498-1511
*Offer several groups and supportive services to domestic violence survivors.
Human Options
(949) 737-5242
24 Hour Emergency Hotline: (877) 854-3594
*Provide emergency shelter, transitional housing, counseling, safe support for seniors and legal advocacy for domestic violence survivors.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
*Advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information. Provide tools and immediate support to find safety. Also provide support to friends and family members who are concerned about a loved one.
For additional information and resources, please call 2-1-1 OR visit
City Net
(562) 231-7151
*Must be street level homeless (sleeping in uninhabitable areas like parks, cars, etc)
Lakewood Sheriff’s Station
(562) 623-3500
**Must be street level homeless (sleeping in uninhabitable areas like parks, cars, etc). Officers can link individuals to the Mercy House New Hope shelter.
Kingdom Causes Bellflower
16429 Bellflower Blvd | Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-2189
Only during regular business hours.
*Rental assistance if funding permits for families at risk of becoming homeless only (3 day pay or quit notice may be required).
Salvation Army
9644 Cedar Street | Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-0808
*Pantry available Wednesdays 2pm // Emergency food services Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church
14515 Blaine Avenue | Bellflower, CA 90706
*Fridays from 9 am to 10 am. Must bring bags for groceries.
Long Beach Community Table
9038 Artesia Blvd | Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 548-0774
*Distributions are Tuesday: 5:30-7pm // Wednesday: 5:30- 7pm // Friday: 12:00pm-4pm // Saturday: 12:00pm- 2:00pm. Grocery delivery is available if requirements are met.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
*Advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information. Provide tools and immediate support to find safety. Also provide support to friends and family members who are concerned about a loved one.
For additional information and resources, please call 2-1-1 OR visit
The Courtyard Resource Center
Phone: (702) 229-6117
*Community response teams are available to respond – for shelter must be street level homeless (sleeping in uninhabitable areas like parks, cars, etc) – additional information regarding homeless resources in the area may be available by calling.
JFSA//Emergency Assistance
2309 Renaissance Dr. Suite B | Las Vegas, NV 89119
(702) 732-0304
*Rental assistance is available if funding permits and eligibility is met.
JFSA Drive Thru or Walk Up Food Distribution
2309 Renaissance Dr. Suite B | Las Vegas NV 89119
(702) 732-0304
Fountain of Hope: Walk Up Food Pantry
2955 East Russell Road | Las Vegas, NV 89120
(702) 798-3949
*Distributions held the 2nd + 4th Tuesday of the month 10am-11am // ID required
Hope for the City: Drive Thru Food Distribution
Boys Scouts of America parking lot
7220 S. Paradise Rd. | Las Vegas NV 89119
(855) 922-2711
*Distributions every Thursday 7AM until all food is distributed // ID required // For elderly individuals or immunocompromised, food delivery may be available. Go to and fill out the FOOD DELIVERY REQUEST at the bottom of the page to apply.
Three Square Center
(702) 765-4030
*For additional assistance finding food or if you are senior aged 60+ in need of home delivered groceries, please call.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
*Advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information. Provide tools and immediate support to find safety. Also provide support to friends and family members who are concerned about a loved one
For additional information and resources, please call 2-1-1 OR visit
Redlands Police Department – Homeless Assistance Program
(909) 798-7681
*Must be street level homeless (sleeping in uninhabitable areas like parks, cars, etc)
Call 2-1-1
*Coordinated Entry System (CES) is available in San Bernardino County, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Callers are connected to a live, bilingual homeless assistance call specialist who can help find an open bed at a shelter.
Family Services Association of Redlands
Coverage area:Redlands, Yucaipa, Mentone, Highland, Loma Linda, Bryn Mawr, Grand Terrace, San Bernardino City
612 Lawton St | Redlands, CA 92374
(909) 793-2673
*Qualified clients are able to receive assistance with housing, food, and other services. Contact for eligibility criteria.
Salvation Army
838 Alta Street | Redlands, CA 92374
(909) 792-8818
*Contact for distribution information
Blessings Food Pantry
1157 Judson St. | Redlands, CA 92374
(909) 793-5677
*Contact for distribution information
Helping Hands Pantry
1455 3rd Street | San Bernardino, CA 92410
(909) 796-4222
*Contact for distribution information
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
*Advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information. Provide tools and immediate support to find safety. Also provide support to friends and family members who are concerned about a loved one
For additional information and resources, please call 2-1-1 OR visit
120 North Central |Park Rapids, MN 56470
(218) 732-7204
*Housing assistance, energy assistance, Head Start and information and referral services available.
Hubbard County Food Shelf
308 Pleasant Ave S |Park Rapids, MN, 56470
(218) 732-1282
*Distributions on Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Family Safety Network
(218) 732-7413 // 24 HR Crisis Hotline (800) 324-8151
*Advocacy, support, and referral services to domestic violence survivors and their families Assistance with court filings, Orders for Protection, harassment restraining orders, advocacy, safety planning, support groups, emergency transportation and referral services.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
*Advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information. Provide tools and immediate support to find safety. Also provide support to friends and family members who are concerned about a loved one.
For additional information and resources, please contact Hubbard County Social Services at (218) 732-2300 // (Toll free) – (877) 450-1451 OR visit Help Me Connect to search for resources or the MN Department of Human Services website HERE.
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Join us for a relationship rehab series on help for families dealing with the stress fractures.
Watch this four part series to help find freedom from the destructive cycles in your life.
Some practical tips on dealing with depression and anxiety. Let's stop "faking fine" and have a life-giving dialogue.