At The Movies Week 4: Ford Vs. Ferrari

series TITLE

At the Movies

series overview

Bring a friend, grab some popcorn, find a seat… you’re at the movies! Each week we’ll learn how God uses characters and storylines from the big screen to inspire positive change. Journey with us through some of Hollywood’s most impactful films and experience God’s purpose for you in a fun and fresh way. Our At the Movies series is only viewable on an Eastside campus. For times and directions, please choose a location near you

message TITLE

Ford vs. Ferrari

weekend in review

This week we are looking at the movie Ford v Ferrari. We will look at how God uses unqualified and unlikely people to change the world.


Begin with some conversation, checking in on how people are doing. You can talk about whatever you’d like, but here are a few potential questions to get the conversation going.

  • Ford v Ferrari is a movie about racing. Do you ever feel like your life is a race or a competition? If so, what or who are you competing against? What do you hope to win?

  • Have you ever competed in a school, public, or athletic competition? Did you win or lose? How did it make you feel? Share with the group a competition you participated in.

Select 5-6 questions from the list below to guide your discussion time.

  • Gene talked about the impossible assignment given to Shelby and Ken: “Help Ford build a car to beat Ferrari and win the 24 Hours at Le Mans… and do it all… in 90 days.” Has God ever placed an impossible task or assignment in your heart? If so, what is it? Do you believe God can accomplish that assignment through you? Why or why not?

  • Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-29. Why do you think God wants to shame the wise and the powerful? Who does it benefit? Do the wise and the powerful also benefit? Why?

  • Name a weakness or shortcoming in your life that God has used for his glory. If that hasn’t happened yet, name a weakness or shortcoming you are willing to turn over to God.

  • Gene talked about the different people in his own life who believed in him, who encouraged him, and who gave him a good word. Has anybody done that for you? If so, who walked alongside you and supported you? What did they do? How did their actions or words make you feel?

  • Sometimes God puts people in our lives who will help us along the way. Sometimes God puts us in other peoples’ lives to help them along their way. What is our responsibility to others as we see people struggling in their journey? Have you ever encouraged someone? How did you do it? 

  • What are some unique ways we can encourage others to accomplish their impossible assignment?

  • Jesus nicknamed some of his disciples the “Sons of Thunder.” In the film, both Shelby and Ken were fighters in their own way. Does God ever call us to fight? What are some things worth fighting for?

  • Shelby and Ken fought, reconciled, and went on to win the Le Mans in 1966, 1967, 1968 and 1969. Can God use people we disagree with to improve our lives? How? Read Proverbs 27:17.

  • Gene said he could preach you 25 sermons about people in the Bible who by the world’s standards were done, with no hope. What are some examples from the Bible of people whose lives were turned around by God?
  • What decisions do you need to make to live your life with fulfillment, satisfaction, and purpose? Do you believe that God can and will turn your life around?

  • Identify one person who you can encourage to accomplish their impossible assignment this week. Then go encourage them.

  • Identify one weakness you have, and this week ask God to provide his strength.

Share prayer requests and spend time praying for each other. Pray for each other and invite God to guide you and empower you to trust Him with your impossible assignment. Also, ask him to show you who needs encouragement and how to do it.