All is Well Week 1: Grant me the serenity


Grant me the serenity

sermon guide

Share: What are some things that can easily ruin your day?

This week we are looking at Mary, the mother of Jesus, and how, from the second she found out that she was pregnant with Jesus through to the end of Jesus’ life, she had to lean on the principle of serenity.

Have someone read Luke 1:31-32.

Mike shared the gravity of the situation. Based on the circumstances, by Jewish law, Mary should have been stoned to death. For Mary to accept reality and be as calm as she was required a peace only God can bring. She knew she couldn’t change her circumstance and chose to trust God’s plan.

Have someone read Luke 2:19.

Mary found time to slow down, take it all in and focus on the good. It’s easy sometimes to focus on the bad during a rogue season. But there is always some good in the bad, and sometimes we won’t see the good until the storm has passed. Amid the storm we shouldn’t stop searching for the good.

Share a situation or struggle you are in the midst of as we enter the holiday season. How can you intentionally look for the good moments?

What has God given to you to treasure in this season?

Have someone read Luke 2:35.

Mary and Joseph take him to the temple to be dedicated, and an old man named Simeon takes the baby and praises God and blesses him and prophesies a great destiny for the newborn. He also says the words in verse 35, words that are not ones a young mother wants to hear.

As Jesus grew up, Mary faced many moments, like when he stayed behind at the temple, that tested her. In those times, possibly she remembered the prophecy spoken over her. She may have felt overwhelmed with worry and fear of the future, but God would meet her in those moments and grant her peace that surpasses all understanding.

What is your favorite way to de-stress and reduce anxiety?

One key thing to remember about the Serenity prayer is the second part. “Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things we can not change.” Some people have a hard time identifying the things in their life that are beyond their control. We can find beauty to this as well because we don’t have to hold onto those things! God has already worked out all things for good! He has overcome them all! He loves us and will walk us through tough times.

What difference does trusting in God’s love for you make as you try to persevere through difficult times and let go of things you can’t control?

Have someone read John 16:33 and 2 Corinthians 4:8-10.

What is one circumstance in your life in which you are longing for Jesus to overcome? What would it look like for you to claim the truth of John 16:33 as you confront that situation with trust and hope in Him?

What steps can you take to be more aware of all that Jesus has done (and is doing) for you in working all things for your good? How can we encourage each other in this area?

We have a good and great God who can handle everything. The peace He brings sustains us through the storms of life and we can look forward with hope.


Write the Serenity Prayer and stick it in the area that you tend to get the most worked up at, maybe your car or steering wheel? Your bathroom mirror, fridge, or wallet? Consider making it your phone wallpaper for this season, and as you feel anxious or worry starts to creep in, read it out loud and pray it.


Pray the Serenity Prayer together as a whole group

Break into groups of three and pray God would grant you with serenity and thank Him for the work He is doing your lives.

Prayer for Serenity

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking, as Jesus did,
this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
trusting that You will make all things right
if I surrender to Your will;
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with You forever in the next.


Reinhold Niebuhr