weekend is June 1/2
Our team is unbelievably excited that your son/daughter will soon be making the MOVE-UP from their Kidside experience to join us at Eastside’s Jr. High Ministry (JHM)!
Whether your soon-to-be 6th grader is going to a “middle school” next year or continuing at their elementary school, they will be promoted at Church and we can’t wait to meet them!
We anticipate that you may have a few questions about Jr. High Ministry and when this promotion is taking place, and how they can best get connected… Please watch the videos, check out the frequently asked questions and use this page as a resource.
What to expect on your 1st visit
jr. high ministry strategy
frequently asked questions
We also want to invite you to join your student and experience JHM with them at their first week with us… You will get a glimpse of a weekend service, meet their small group leader, and then I’d like to share a few insights about middle school with just you as a parent. Join us the weekend of June 1/2 for times and locations, visit
Our hope is to energize students to connect with their peers and give them a vision of who they were created to be. We want to help your student find friends and develop significant relationships in small groups that meet during the weekend.
We hope your middle schooler can join us at any one of our campuses! Wondering what to expect? For times and locations, visit
We live in a busy culture and it may seem convenient to make church fit into your schedule and with 5 options its easy to jump between service times. We’ve found that its best to consistently attend the same service time each weekend, your student will find it easier to be connected to a group of their peers and a caring adult leader.
We would love to talk to you about serving within Jr. High. We have 4 ways you can partner with us.
1. Lead a Small Group (Be a consistent voice in a group of students’ lives)
2. Be a Greeter (Help new students get connected).
3. Serve in the Student Café (Be another smiling face that serves students). (ANAHEIM ONLY)
4. Join our JHM BOOSTER Team (We’ll contact you to help with events, shopping, hospitality, cooking, etc.)
We would love for you to prayerfully consider being on our team. Please go to to start the process.
Hopefully, you’ve already heard information about JHM Summer Camp (at Thousand Pines) July 10 – 14, 2023
Sign your child up today! Our staff team, small group leaders and tons of other JHM students will be there! Going to camp is absolutely the best way for students to get connected to other students, leaders and God! Sign up at

scott rubin

joe schmaltz

Montana Frum

Cristian Sanchez

danielle card

James Griffin

Isra Hermosillo