SERIES introduction
When you can’t let go of stuff, it will eat you up – physically, emotionally and more importantly spiritually. We are challenging people to just LET IT GO TOO. Now, as we continue this series, ask yourself what else are you holding on to?
Who from your younger years influenced the big decisions you’ve made in your life? Why did that person have such a strong influence on you?
sermon guide
Many of us started out young and optimistic. Then something happened that shocked us. We were hurt by others, and we started thinking people will let us down, that we can’t trust anyone. We begin assuming everything is going to go wrong all the time. Some call it a defense mechanism or being a realist, but the truth is that some of us have become cynics.
An optimist will read the verse “my cup overflows” and they’ll say, “The Lord is blessing me.” A pessimist will say, “My cup overflows. Lord, there’s going to be a mess in the house today.”
We all know people who see even an abundance of blessings as a negative. Some of us might even be those people.
On a scale of 1-10—with a 1 being an Eeyore and 10 being Tigger—how cynical are you?
There are a lot of things going wrong in the world. We as Jesus followers can’t put our heads in the sand and pretend like nothing is wrong. At the same time, we should recognize that God is doing a lot of amazing things all over the world.
C.S. Lewis once said “what you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are.” Each day we have a choice. What will we look for, good or bad? For better or worse, we often find what we are looking for.
When you consider the statement “we often find what we are looking for?” where in your life do you need to look for more good?
Have a volunteer read Proverbs 11:27 and Psalm 13.
As Christians, we should be the least cynical because we have the gospel and we know Jesus rose and left an empty tomb. Our hope isn’t just wishful thinking. In Psalm 13 we see a practical example of someone moving away from cynicism and towards hopeful trust.
King David had quite a life. He started out as shepherd, was anointed by Samuel, and found himself being hunted by King Saul. He becomes king, and his own children try to overthrow him. He wrote many Psalms that give us a peek into his emotional and spiritual journey.
In Psalm 13 he starts with blame and the feeling of “Why me?” He is wrestling with thoughts and feelings of deep sorrow. We often do this. We ask why bad things always happen to us or we try to blame something or someone else for our troubles.
Is there a situation where you need to stop blaming someone else and seek to forgive? Maybe it is anger or bitterness towards God, a friend, a family member, or a co-worker you need to repent and let go of.
We see a pivot in verses 5-6; David stops asking, “Why me?” and turns towards the Lord. He pushes aside the cynicism and despair. He says, “I will trust in you.”
Trusting God will turn us from cynical curmudgeons who think there’s no hope to curious children who trust that our loving Father is looking out for our good.
Like David we can say,” I don’t understand what you are doing or why these things are happening, but I know you can be trusted.”
Cynicism creates a barrier between us and God and makes it hard to pray. It allows bitterness to take root in our souls. But we can choose a better way, seeking God in prayer, asking Him to move, to meet us and intervene in difficult situations or relationships. Choosing to reject cynicism and seek God changes our heart in the midst of tough moments in life.
Have a volunteer read Psalm 23.
What are some of the ways you’ve seen God be your shepherd during difficult seasons of life?
pair off
Last week we asked you to pair up with another person of the same gender. Check in to see how things are going with their spiritual next step and encourage each other to continue moving forward.
Share areas you want to overcome cynicism and find hope. Spend time praying together.