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your invitation can change more
than just someone's christmas

"During a really challenging season, I hit rock bottom. I felt like I was falling deeper into a hole, and there was no way out. I was hopeless. I didn't know how to get out of the mess that I had put myself in. My wife and I were invited to a Christmas service. We enjoyed the worship and the Christmas songs and occasionally attended for the next few years. After the COVID pandemic, we started coming regularly; this commitment helped us start to grow spiritually. My relationships are stronger and better than ever since I decide to follow Jesus"

"After falling victim to identity theft, I was insecure and untrusting. Daily tasks became difficult. It was a challenging season, but then a family member invited me to a Christmas service. I was overwhelmed by how happy and welcoming everyone was. I was struck by the joy, and I wanted to discover how to find some of this happiness in my own life. I started attending Next Steps and got baptized in April. Best of all, my new faith-filled friends are encouraging me."

"We we're struggling to get our kids interested in God or willing to go to church. Then my friend called one day and invited our family to Christmas at Eastside. Right from the beginning we knew this time was going to be different. Our kids recognized friends from school and it was amazing to see their eye light up watching the Christmas service. Everything changed after that, we started coming as a family, we began volunteering and our kids got involved in JHM & HSM and actually wanted to come to church! Never underestimate the power of an invitation!"

"I found Eastside last year at Christmas, and I really enjoyed the Christmas service. The people were so friendly, I relate to the messages each weekend, and I love the praise and worship. Going through a divorce, I experienced feeling lost, unhappy, alone, and depressed. However, at Eastside, I discovered others who would walk alongside me during this very challenging season. I have chosen to surround myself with people who read and live out God’s word, and I cherish these new relationships. "

"Everything changed, when a friend invited us to Christmas at Eastside. From then on, we knew we found what we had been missing....Jesus. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and it has been so amazing to have a personal relationship with God. My wife Jeannette, and I volunteer on the Parking Team and we have made so many friendships while serving! I took a huge step in faith and decided to get baptized in July 2020 in a backyard pool. I now look forward to coming to church, because it has absolutely changed our lives and we give God all the glory!"

"We were invited to Christmas at Eastside and I was actually hesitant about coming. The first time I came, I was a little bit nervous because I didn't know what to expect. I grew up in a more traditional type of church so I was a little bit nervous. Driving home that night we were like okay this is our church now. We got baptized, started Next Steps and then joined a small group. Honestly, I don't think we would be married at this point if it weren't for this one invitation."

"I hadn't been attending church in a really long time but three years ago a friend invited me to the Christmas service. Gene's message and the worship time felt like it was speaking directly to me. I could literally feel the presence of the LORD in the room. To this day, I still remember how broken I felt when I first started attending church again. I had a health scare in 2020, but the pandemic really put things in perspective. I wanted a fresh start in 2021, and I felt I was ready to give my life to Him. The LORD has become my anchor and I now feel whole."