Be Do Week 2


Be / Do


One of the most frequently asked questions posed by followers of Jesus is, “What does God want me to do?” Should I go here or there? Should I say yes or no? But what if there is a better question? God is more interested in our character than the decisions we make. For three weeks let’s ask the question, “Who does God want me to be?”



Sermon Summary

The message focuses on  the importance of Agape love, which is selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional. The pastor explains the differences between earthly love and God’s love, emphasizing that God’s love is different and better. Listeners are encouraged to surrender to God’s love, pray for courage, and imagine the impact of a community that loves as God loves.


What is the most thoughtful thing someone has done for you?

  1. How does our culture’s understanding of love differ from the concept of Agape love?

    In what ways can you apply the principles of Agape love to your own relationships?

  2. Read Romans 5:8. How does it demonstrate God’s Agape love?
    How does understanding God’s sacrificial love for you change your perspective on His love and how you should love others?

  3. What are some challenges we may face when trying to love with Agape love?
    How can you work on overcoming these challenges and demonstrating Agape love more in your life?

  4. Why is it important to recognize the difference between earthly love and God’s Agape love?
    How can you distinguish between these two types of love in your life and purposely choose to love with Agape love?

  5. How can a community of people practicing Agape love bring about significant
    In what ways can you contribute to fostering a community centered around Agape love in your church or small group?
wrap up | prayer
  • Ask for prayer requests from the group.

  • Pray for the group’s understanding of Agape love as God’s selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional love, as described in the sermon. Ask for God’s help to fully grasp this concept and apply it to their lives.

  • Pray for the courage and willingness to love as God loves, including loving those who may be difficult to love or considered “unlovable.”

  • Pray for transformation in the group’s lives and their community as they strive to express Agape love in their daily interactions. Ask for God’s grace to surrender their preferences, entitlement, and comfort for the sake of reflecting God’s love.

  • Pray for our upcoming baptism opportunities, that those who are publicly declaring their faith may continue to grow in their understanding and expression of Agape love.