Authentic Faith Week 2


Authentic Faith Week 2


No other New Testament book is quite like James. Real, raw, sometimes radical, and always practical, James offers up some of the most unfiltered, straightforward, and memorable sound bites ever recorded in human history. More than anything, James helps us see what our faith looks like when it’s lived out authentically with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Join us this weekend as we begin our journey through these life-shaping truths.


The Best Way to Live

Sermon Summary

This week, we continue exploring the book of James. It emphasizes the importance of living out one’s beliefs and how transformed lives are powerful testimonies. The sermon highlights the role of the Bible in bringing about change and growth in a person’s character. The need for heart transformation and obedience rooted in gratitude and understanding that God’s instructions are for our good is emphasized.


Who were you cheering on for the Super Bowl? What was your favorite commercial?

  1. List some ways we might unintentionally appear inauthentic in our faith and how we can work on becoming more authentic.

    Can you think of a time when you felt like you were not living out an authentic faith? How did that impact your relationship with God and others?

  2. Read James 1:19-27. How can we recognize the difference between listening to God’s Word and truly doing what it says?

    What can you do to ensure you are not just hearing God’s Word but actively applying it in your daily life?

  3. Read Matthew 23:3-4  What are some dangers of treating the Bible as a moral menu or a search engine?

    How can you ensure you treat the Bible as a mirror rather than a moral menu or search engine?

  4. Read 1 Timothy 1:15-16, How does a heart transformation lead to obedience rooted in gratitude?

    Have you experienced a heart transformation as a result of God’s Word? If so, how has that changed your attitude towards obedience?

  5. According to James 1:19-27, what types of changes should we expect to see in our lives as our faith becomes more authentic?

    Which of these areas do you feel you need to grow in, and how can you work towards that growth?
wrap up | prayer

Begin with asking for any prayer requests from the group.

  • Ask God to help us genuinely live out our faith, being authentic in our beliefs and actions, reflecting the transformative power of His Word in our daily lives.

  • Pray for a deeper understanding of God’s Word and the willingness to listen and act on its teachings, allowing it to bring about change and growth in our characters.