At the Movies: Avengers
weekend in review
Gene covers the blockbuster hit “Avengers: Infinity War & Endgame”. He explores the Biblical truths that we can pull from the movies.
Begin with some conversation, checking in on how people are doing. You can talk about whatever you’d like, but here is a potential question to get the conversation going.
If you were a character in the “Avengers”, who would you be and why?
Select 5-6 questions from the list below to guide your discussion time.
Read Ephesians 6:12 and 1 Peter 5:8 It is easy to let life take us off focus from God’s purpose. Bruce Banner says to Tony Stark “It doesn’t really matter who you are talking to.” What is something in your life you need to fix or a relationship you need to reconcile, that has kept your focus off what really matters?
What have you faced in your life that you struggled to ask help?
Why is it better to face difficult things together with others than trying to face them alone?
Gene mentions the importance of keeping in faith when facing insurmountable odds. Read 1 Corinthians 1:9-10. Share something you currently are facing or have faced that felt insurmountable, yet God pulled you through.
How has God pulled you out of your comfort zone and moved you to doing something for Him you would never imagine doing? What do you feel God is tugging on your heart to do that is out of your comfort zone right now?
Pepper asks Tony Stark, “…but would you be able to rest?” when he mentions stopping to pursue time traveling to potentially defeat Thanos and save half the world. Read 1 Peter 2:9-10. What gifts and talents have God given to you that you are not using? What is holding you back?
Read Hebrews 10:25. How can we better encourage our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?
What are some sacrifices you have had to make to reach the goals and dreams you have achieved?
If anyone in your group would like to be baptized, you can find out more by going online to Offer to support them in their decision by looking into it now while you are all together.
God loves us “3,000”, he paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we might have victory through Him. If you are facing insurmountable odds right now, will you give that over to God today and trust in Him with that?
Share prayer requests and spend time praying for each other.
Pray for the people who hear this message that do not have a relationship with Jesus, that they would ask Christ into their heart and surrender their life to them.
Pray for our church, for those facing what seems like insurmountable odds, that God would come along side them, lift them up, and declare victory over what seems impossible.