Anxious for nothing Week 4: Meditate on what is true


Meditate on what is true

sermon guide

Share a funny phobia you had as a child.

Have someone read Philippians 4:4-8.

At the first of the year, Mike shared about if you want to walk a new and better direction, then you have to download a new playlist. This is important because the way we live is always a reflection of the way we think.

Share what part of your life needs a new playlist? What song would be your theme song for the new direction you desire to go?

Have someone read Romans 12:2.

We aren’t talking about the “power of positive thinking,” but recognizing that negative thoughts will not lead to a positive life. What you focus on and what you feed your mind will determine the release of your full potential.

One way to cultivate a life of meditating on what is true is to ask God, What can I begin to feed my mind with so that it can flourish? One primary way to feed our minds to read the Bible.

Have someone read Psalm 1:1-3.

List the benefits of delighting in God’s word.

Have someone read Romans 8:5.

There is an adage that says, “If you can worry, you can meditate.” Meditating is merely turning a thought over and over in your mind. This process rewires the brain and feeds your mind much needed truth. We can choose to ponder over negative things, or we can decide to set our thoughts on the things of the Spirit.

What is the one thing you continue to worry about or get anxious over? What verse could you replace that with and meditate on when you get anxious?

Have someone read 2 Corinthians 10:5.

When life gets hard, the enemy feeds us lies that make us question God and our faith. These lies don’t make us feel peace; they cause us more anxiety. When you have been feeding your mind the truth, you are able to see those lies for what they are and let the truth calm you down.

What does it mean to set your eyes on Jesus? Share how doing this helps you keep thoughts captive.

If you want to start a new chapter in your life, you have to start turning the pages of God’s word.

The Center for Bible Engagement recently surveyed 40k Americans from ages 8-80, and they discovered something that they weren’t even looking for. They found that reading the Bible 4 times or more per week resulted in significant life change, such as:

Feeling lonely dropped 30%

Anger issues dropped 32%

Bitterness in Relationships dropped 40%

Alcoholism dropped 57%

Feeling spiritually stagnant dropped 60%

Viewing pornography dropped 61%

They also discovered that on the positive, proactive side, the results were:

Because they had so much confidence in who God is, sharing their faith jumped 200%

Choosing to live beyond themselves, serving and discipling others jumped 230%

Mike shared a simple way to approach reading the Bible.

RELAX in the truth that He is God.

REFLECT on my own life and how this particular passage connects with my situation, season of life, and my relational world. Ask God, What are you saying to me right now?

RESPOND by asking, What do I need to do with this? How do I need to apply this to situations in my life? Then take the step to actually apply it in those situations and with those people.

This series has given us four ways to find calm as we negotiate the challenges of life.

C ELEBRATE God’s character

A SK for God’s help

L IST things you are thankful for

M EDITATE on what is true

Share which of the four is easiest for you, and what one presents the most significant challenge?


Try reading the Bible four times this week using the Relax, Reflect, and Respond approach.

Find a verse you can repeat when you are feeling anxious. Write it down and carry it with you.


Break into groups and share one thing that is making you anxious. Pray that God would help you break the cycle of anxious thoughts. Ask Him to reveal truth in every decision and thought.