Got Questions You Asked For It

Most of us have at least one. It’s that one question that comes to mind whenever people talk about God or faith or church. That question that makes us unsure of God and if believing in Him makes any sense. We’ve collected our most often asked questions, provided links to watch the message and read the sermon blog.

Is drinking or doing legal drugs a sin?

Are there really angels and demons?

Are we living in the last days on Earth?

The sin of racism and judgmentalism

Is suicide the unpardonable sin?

Can a saved person lose their salvation?

Are we living in the end times?

What is heaven like?

Is suicide the unforgivable sin?

What’s the big deal about homosexuality and gay marriage?

What happens to those who never hear about Jesus?

Why does God allow suffering?

Can women serve in leadership roles?

Do you need to be baptized to be saved?

How To Read The Bible

i have questions