Our Women’s Care Groups provide safe, supportive spaces for women to find healing and strength in community. Whether you’re seeking emotional and spiritual growth through Healing Hearts for Women, or need support as the spouse of someone struggling with sexual integrity through our L.I.F.E. Recovery For Spouses, you’ll find understanding, encouragement, and hope. Both groups meet weekly online, making it convenient to connect with other women who share similar experiences and are on their own journeys of healing.

Healing Hearts for women

For Women on Tuesday at 9:30am PT | Online

For women who seek emotional healing. To make better decisions for our lives. As we form a deeper relationship with God, we become Confident Women of God…Confident in God’s love for us. This group studies a variety of different books during the semester to help their healing process.

L.I.F.E. Recovery for Spouses

For Women on Wednesday at 6:00pm PT | Online 

For women who are in a relationship with a man who struggles with his sexual integrity, including porn use and extramarital affairs. This group focuses on the healing of the affected woman by studying seven key principles, similar to the 8 principles from Celebrate Recovery.